
Heath bar pieces
Heath bar pieces

heath bar pieces

A third problem: the packaging, name aside, made it look like the laxative Ex-Lax. Second, shoppers thought the name of the company was H&H with the “eat” telling them what to do with it. Now, here were the marketing dilemmas: First, the bar was one ounce, while the others were four, which convinced consumers they were buying a penny candy and not a five-cent bar which was typical of candy-makers of the time. So, they designed logo which had a large “H” at either end, with the “eat” in lower caps in the middle: HeatH.


How to distinguish themselves from the other toffee/English toffee/taffy/buttercrunch/brittle makers. The Heath family also confronted a dilemma common to just about any manufacturer of any candy. Just add “Heath Toffee” to the list and customers will add it to their purchases along with other products. It was the younger generation who also thought up this great marketing idea: why not sell our candies through the dairymen who went house-to-house selling milk, ice, and cheese. They did, bringing at least some of the candy-making machinery with them. He then convinced his sons to sell the candy store and join the dairy business. quit his job teaching school after twenty years. In 1915, as the candy business was taking off, L.S. Never mind – stick with this: When the Heaths started selling their Heath Bar, they described it as “Heath Milk Chocolate English Toffee Bar.” The Heath Bar Marketing Dilemma If it has nuts in it, it’s American toffee which is actually peanut brittle. If it has nuts on top, it’s actually buttercrunch. American toffee has nuts and British toffee doesn’t. Then, there’s the explanation that nuts are the decisive factor. In fact, some British toffee is closer to American taffy than, well, toffee. Some say English toffee, made by the British, is made with more butter, and tends to be softer than the American version. The difference between English toffee and plain old toffee isn’t entirely clear. What is the Difference Between Toffee, English Toffee, and… Buttercrunch? One of them was raving about another candy-maker’s toffee, called “Trail Toffee.” Legend has it the salesmen offered to provide the Heath brothers with the recipe…and the next thing you know, it’s 1928 and the company is making what was known as “Heath English Toffee” or, simply “Heath Toffee.” The Heath Brothers tweaked the recipe and soon marketed it as “America’s Finest.” People traveled from all over the place to get some.

heath bar pieces

One thing led to another, and candy salesmen were hanging around the Heath brothers’ store, talking, as they do, about candy. He bought the shop and soon his sons were selling ice cream, fountain drinks, and sweets. Heath found a small confectionery for sale. The reason? Were they ne’er-do-wells? Youngsters just starting out? History doesn’t tell. Heath, a schoolteacher in Illinois, was looking for a line of work for his two oldest sons Bayard and Everett. In 1914, just as candy bars were making a mark in the chocolate kingdom, L.S. Enter Milk Chocolate, Toffee & A New American Classic: The Heath Bar The Heath Bar, which was invented in 1928, eventually made an appearance in the supplies of fighters during World War II. These included the Clark Bar and Goldenberg’s Peanut Chew.


Even better, the count line aspect of candy bars, made them portable enough to withstand long trips to places such as the trenches in World War I, where they appeared in the first rations ever. These new candy bars gave confectioners the opportunity to fill their expensive chocolate with deliciously cheaper fillers, meaning they were more profitable. Around 1912, a new invention appeared on the candy scene called “combination candy bars,” a chocolate candy bar filled caramel, peanuts, marshmallow, and, yes, toffee: all relatively new, post-Civil War ingredients the consumer loved. Candy bars, including the Heath Bar, Hershey Bar, and others, were called “count line’ candies, sold by the piece, typically wrapped and ready to go. Most chocolates, indeed, most vintage candy, was weighed and sold by the pound. Heath Bar, Hershey Bar, Peanut Chew: The Candy Bar DifferenceĬandy bars were different from other chocolates.

heath bar pieces

That changed in 1879 when Rodolphe Lindt invented a process known as “conching,” which produced the delectable chocolatey texture we love so much today. Most likely their candy bars were gritty, as a means of creating smooth chocolate didn’t yet exist. Now a favorite candy of American men today, the candy bar was created by the Frye family of candy-makers in England in 1847. To understand the Heath Bar, it’s important to understand the candy bar. Description Where it all Began: Candy Bars and the Birth of the Heath Bar

Heath bar pieces